ADHD Educational Guides For Teachers
Here are some eduction guides for teachers so they can learn how to teach ADHD students.
Hint to teachers, if a child has ADHD, remember, ADHD is the number 2 genetically inherited condition. 80% genetic.
So it’s important the parents get screened for ADHD too, if not for themselves, then for the benefit of their ADHD child.
If the mother or father or both are in denial or minimization about their ADHD, (which may often look different than the child’s ADHD) they will often be in denial or minimization about their child’s ADHD. Which creates worse outcomes at school and home, and it’ll be harder for you to teach them.
Let alone the higher divorce rates. Which will often create even worse outcomes for them and make it even harder for you to teach them.
Here’s a 5 minute Harvard Adult ADHD Screening Test, and 10 ways to manage adult ADHD.
A Primer for Teaching Students with ADHD
From LD At School. List of articles on teaching students with ADHD.
A Guide to the IEP (Individualized Education Program)
From the US Department Of Education
ADHD and Education: A Resource for Teachers
By HADD Family Support Group. Covers:
- From the Perspective of a Child with ADD/ADHD
- What is ADD/ADHD and how to Recognise it
- What to Do if you Suspect a Child has ADD/ADHD
- Getting a Diagnosis and an Educational Assessment
- Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Behavioural Plans
- Strategies – How to Deal with a Child with ADD/ADHD
- Building Self-Esteem and Inclusiveness and Promoting Social Interaction
- Homework and links with Home
- Medication
- Co-Existing Conditions
- The Positive Side of ADD/ADHD
CHADD’s Teacher To Teacher Training Program.
CHADD. “Children And Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder has developed Teacher to Teacher (T2T). Designed by teachers for teachers, this multisession, interactive training course is developed and taught by expert educators to give practical strategies and resources to educators working with students with ADHD. CEUs are available.
Throughout the program, educators will learn ways to help students improve academic success; teach planning, organization and time management skills; find out about strategies to reduce typical behavior problems and enhance self-management skills in the classroom; understand ADHD education laws, reforms, policies, and their implications; and explore innovative educational practices and model programs to build effective schools.
Educators will also have access to CHADD’s ADHD Online Community, customized to promote collaboration, information sharing, and ongoing guidance around supporting students with ADHD. Paid Program.
Facilitator’s Guide on Positive Behavioral Support PDF
“This Facilitator’s Guide was developed by the staff of the Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) Project at the University of South Florida. It is designed to build capacity of school districts in positive assessment based approaches to support students with significant behavioral challenges. The project provides assistance through a number of mechanisms:
Various inservice training models
Consultation and on-site coaching
Information and product dissemination”
Information and Resources for Educators On ADHD
Why is it Important for Teachers to Understand ADHD?
ADHD Symptoms, Impairments, and Accommodations in the Elementary School Environment
ADHD Symptoms, Impairments, and Accommodations in the High School Environment
Teaching Strategies for Typical ADHD and Executive Functioning Impairments
Facts on ADHD and Learning
Why it is difficult to imagine a more difficult setting for a child with ADHD then the classroom.
General Impairments Seen in Academic Settings
Attention Regulation
Instructions on using the ABC Charts – Using the ABC Chart
Sample Behaviour Tracking Chart – Behaviour Tracking Chart
Coexisting Disorders
Teaching Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Resource Guide for Teachers
From the BC Government’s Dept. of Education.
Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices PDF
36 page PDF from the US Department of Education.
Understanding,Teaching, And Supporting Students With ADHD
By Rosemary Tannock, PhD. I’ve seen her present at CADDRA and CADDAC ADHD conferences and she’s very knowledgeable.
She holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Special Education and Adaptive Technology at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in the University of Toronto. 54 slide power point presentation.
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