Metro Vancouver BC Area Addictions Support Groups

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These Metro Vancouver BC area ADHD related  addiction support groups are provided as a public service. Adult ADHD Coach Pete Quily does not endorse or recommend any specific group.

The SMALLEST number of addicts and alcoholics with ADHD i’ve seen in peer reviewed clinical journals is 20% and I’ve seen 30%, 40%, 50% and even more than that, again, in peer reviewed clinical journals,  & we ADDers are only 5 % of the population.

It’s expensive for governments and society to keep discriminating against us and refusing to mandate doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists be properly trained on ADHD in adults and children.

Hopefully one day ADHD people and their families in BC will start demanding politicians do this.

Check out my blog posts on ADHD and addictions on my first blog.

Sadly many aren’t told of the ADHD addiction connection as many ADHD adults who have gone through rehabs have complained to me. Every single rehab that I talked to at community festivals told me they did not screen for ADHD. Should be mandatory by a government that believes in science on mental health . But both BCNDP and BC Liberal governments don’t.


ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics and/or Dysfunctional Families)

“Support group for adults (19 years and older) who grew up in an alcoholic, addictive, or otherwise dysfunctional family and who want to improve their lives by better understanding their past and examining old patterns. Based on the 12-step program of AA. There are Maple Ridge , North Vancouver and Vancouver branches”

24 hour Phone Line: 604-878-8500


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Greater Vancouver. “A fellowship of men and women who meet to share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problem of alcoholism. Provides meeting times and locations, as well as literature and resources for groups. Telephone lines are open from 8 am to 2 am, with an answering service from 2 am to 7 am. Serves Greater Vancouver and Howe Sound area. Many meeting locations and times.”

24-hour: 604-434-3933


Alanon and Alateen web site B.C. / Yukon

“If your life has been affected by someone else’s drinking, you are an Al-Anon or Alateen member, or a professional working in the field of alcoholism, there may be items of interest on this site for you. Has links to local support groups”

Phone: 604-688-1716 10:00 am and 3:30 pm Monday to Friday


Cocaine Anonymous

“Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths and hope with each other so they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. Our primary purpose is to stay free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, and to help others to achieve the same freedom.

We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. We do not wish to engage in any controversy and we neither endorse nor oppose any causes.”


Debtors Anonymous Vancouver

“Is your life unmanageable because of debt? Are you sick of bouncing checks, paying late fees, and having creditors knocking at your door?

Debtors Anonymous offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and suffering. We come to learn that compulsive debting is a spiritual problem with a spiritual solution, and we find relief by working the D.A. recovery program based on the Twelve-Step principles.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt.”

List Vancouver meetings only, go to world main website and search for other Metro Vancouver BC cities by looking for a meetings, then click on “Find a Meeting Outside the US” and use Canada as a keyword to search in their list


Gamblers Anonymous

“Throughout history, untold suffering and humiliation has been the lot of countless thousands of men and women due to their addiction to gamble.

People seeking Gamblers Anonymous for help need only have a desire to stop gambling, and are not required to subscribe to any particular religious belief. Gamblers Anonymous makes no demands upon them whatsoever.

Gamblers Anonymous has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the compulsive gambler who still suffers. We invite you to explore the pages of this website in order that it might help you or someone you know with a gambling problem.”


Marijuana Anonymous

Click on Canada then BC.

“Marijuana Anonymous uses the basic 12 Steps of Recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous, because it has been proven that the 12 Step Recovery program works!

Who is a marijuana addict?

We who are marijuana addicts know the answer to this question. Marijuana controls our lives! We lose interest in all else; our dreams go up in smoke.

Ours is a progressive illness often leading us to addictions to other drugs, including alcohol.

Our lives, our thinking, and our desires center around marijuana—scoring it, dealing it, and finding ways to stay high.”


Narcotics Anonymous BC Region

“Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts. Lists the many meetings that happen in the lower mainland.”

HELPLINE: 1-604-873-1018


Over Eaters Anonymous Sea to Sky Intergroup

“Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a twelve-step program for people with problems related to food including, but not limited to, compulsive overeaters, those with binge eating disorder, bulimics and anorexics. Anyone with a problematic relationship with food is welcomed; OA’s Third Tradition states that the only requirement for memberships is a desire to stop eating compulsively

OA is not just about weight loss, weight gain or maintenance, or obesity or diets. It addresses physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is not a religious organization and does not promote any particular diet. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology or religious doctrine.

We take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer.”


Sex Addicts Anonymous

“SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their sexual addiction.

The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. If you’re new to Twelve Step recovery and SAA, we encourage you to attend one of our meetings.”


SMART. (Self Management and Recovery Training)

Non spiritual organization focused on cognitive behavioural therapy. SMART Recovery® (Self-Management And Recovery Training) is an international non-profit organization that offers free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups for abstaining from any substance or activity addiction. Donations are requested by passing a hat at meetings.

SMART Recovery® helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities.

There are many other 12 step groups out there, here’s a list of some

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