Other ADHD Articles For Teachers

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Here are some other article on how to teach ADHD students.

Hint to teachers, if a child has ADHD, remember, ADHD is the number 2 genetically inherited condition. 80% genetic.

So it’s important the parents get screened for ADHD too, if not for themselves, then for the benefit of their ADHD child.

If the mother or father or both are in denial or minimization about their ADHD, (which may often look different than the child’s ADHD) they will often be in denial or minimization about their child’s ADHD. Which creates worse outcomes at school and home, and it’ll be harder for you to teach them.

Let alone the higher divorce rates. Which will often create even worse outcomes for them and make it even harder for you to teach them.

Here’s a 5 minute Harvard Adult ADHD Screening Test, and 10 ways to manage adult ADHD.


Our 19th Century Educations. Why Our School System Falls Short For The World Of Today And Tomorrow.

By John Shepler. “The really scary truth is that we’re headed toward an entrepreneurial society that we’ve never been trained for.”


Targeting Home-School Collaboration for Students with ADHD

By Candace S. Bos, Maria L. Nahmias and Magda A. Urban. Gives suggestions for parent involvement in assessment and behaviour plan, monitoring medication, coordinating homework, taking action, references, and resources.


The Relationship Between ADHD & Self-Control

“Kids with ADHD have trouble paying attention in only some situations.” Dr. Sam Goldstein Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Utah, a Research Professor of Psychology at George Mason University discusses those situations.


William Farish: The World’s Most Famous Lazy Teacher

From the book Thom Hartmann’s Complete Guide to ADHD. Talks about how one man changed the education system from a learning model to a factory line assembly model 200 years ago.

This is not intended to criticize current teachers, most of whom have to work in large classrooms and grade students, but to provide some historical context why the system they may be in has become that way.

“Thomas Jefferson was arguably one of the most well-educated Americans of his time. He was well-read, thoughtful, knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics from the arts to the sciences, and the founder of the University of Virginia.

The same could probably be said of Ben Franklin, or James and Dolly Madison. On the larger world stage, we could credibly make such claims for René Descartes, William Shakespeare, Galileo, Michelangelo, and Plato.

But there is one thing unique about the education of all these people, which is different from that of you, me, and our children: none ever were given grades. All attended schools or had teachers who worked entirely on a pass/fail system…

Students of the great teachers of history often became famous themselves because of the thoroughness with which their mentors had inculcated knowledge, understanding, skill, and talent in them. This is how things went from 98,000 BC to roughly 1800 AD. Then came William Farish.”

“Getting to know his students, one may suppose, was too much trouble for Farish. It meant work, interacting and participating daily with each child. It meant paying attention to their needs, to their understanding, to their styles of learning.

It meant there was a limit on the number of students he could thus get to know, and therefore a limit on how much money he could earn.

So Farish came up with a method of teaching which would allow him to process more students in a shorter period of time. He invented grades.

Grades did not make students smarter. In fact, they had the opposite effect: they made it harder for those children to succeed whose style of learning didn’t match the didactic, auditory form of lecture-teaching Farish used.

Grades didn’t give students deeper insights into their topics of study. Instead, grades forced children to memorize by rote only those details necessary to pass the tests, without regard to true comprehension of the subject matter.

Grades didn’t encourage critical thinking or insight skills, didn’t promote questioning minds. Such behaviors are useless in the graded classroom, and within a few generations were considered so irrelevant that today they’re no longer listed among the goals of public education.

Grades didn’t stimulate the students, or share with them a contagious love for the subject being studied. The opposite happened, in fact, as the normative effect of grades acted as a muffling blanket to any eruptions of enthusiasm, any attempts to dig deeper into a topic, any discursions into larger significance or practical application of content.

What grades did do, however, was increase the salary of William Farish, while, at the same time, lowering his workload and reducing the hours he needed to spend in the classroom.

He no longer needed to burrow into his students’ minds to know if they understood a topic: his grading system would do it for him.

And it would do it just as efficiently for twenty children as it would for two hundred.” more on the website

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