Famous Confirmed Journalists With ADHD

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Here is a famous confirmed person with ADHD. A journalist. Not the only journalist with ADHD since what do journalists do? Ask a lot of questions and exercise curiosity.

Asking questions boosts dopamine. My ADHD coaching clients pay me to deliver a service but it also allows me to self medicate my ADHD by asking questions. Curiosity is one of our ADHD superpowers. I used to work in job where I was punished for being curious, now I get paid to be curious:)

Name: Clarence Page
Two Times Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist at the Chicago Tribune

Know of any famous publically confirmed living people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Let me know, send me the details with the blog/website/book/newspaper where it was confirmed ie website, date, page etc.

Please don’t send me info like “I think/heard Joe Smith has ADHD”. I want publicly confirmed, mentioned in the media credible blog, book or on their website with a link of living famous people with ADHD with evidence to add to my list.



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