Sleeping Problems ADHD Adults Have & How To Manage Them
Topic: Sleeping Problems ADHD Adults Have And How To Manage Them. See the other Adult ADHD Issues.
Facilitator: Pete Quily
Thanks to Pat & Mike for taking notes.
June 2nd, 2015 Meeting Notes for the Vancouver Adult ADD Support Group
Many adults with ADHD have problems with getting to sleep, staying asleep or waking up. Sometimes, all three.
Some people with ADHD also have sleeping disorders, such as circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy etc., and are often undiagnosed and untreated. If you think you have them or are not clear on what the symptoms like you should talk to your doctor.
Here we’ll be focusing on sleeping problems vs sleeping disorders.
Some causes for troubles getting to sleep
Bad moods
Falling asleep at meetings
Lack of concentration
Poor judgement and decision making
Too much coffee etc.
What makes sleep problems worse?
Bright lights
Daytime napping
Don’t use the computer/phone/tablet in your bedroom. Just use the bedroom for sex and sleeping
Lack of exercise or exercising too late
Late-night eating [ not high in sugar ]. Protein or warm milk.
Messy room
Not finishing what you started during the day.
Poor sleep hygiene – go to bed at the same time, have a dark room, no lights, can use blackout blinds
Shift work
Stress and anxiety
What reduces sleep problems?
Active meditation that works for you and leaves you calm vs energized
Create a nighttime routine. Have 3 – 4 options available
Deep breathing exercises
Gaba, Melatonin, 5-HTP, but not all together, talk to your doctor/naturopath.
Listen to music that relaxes you or white noise
Make your bed and room appealing
No violent TV or movies before bed if they interfere with your sleep
Note pad and pen by your bed, write down what is on your mind, so you don’t stay up all night thinking about it.
Plan your day for tomorrow and review what you did today so you don’t do it while semi asleep
Swim in the evening
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