Apps And Programs For ADHD Adults
Topic: Apps and programs for ADHD adults at work and home to make life easier and more productive. See the other Adult ADHD Issues.
Facilitator: Pete Quily
Thanks to Amy for taking notes.
June 7th 2015 Meeting Notes for the Vancouver Adult ADD Support Group
Here are some ADHD apps and programs the group members came up with that they use. Each ADDer is unique so some may work for you, some may not. Go and try a few and see if they work for you.
Remember, if you don’t schedule reminders to use them in the beginning to build a habit, you have ADHD are are easily distractible and forgetful eh?
Audit your reminders
Bodi Meditation. Centre in Richmond. App in the playstore
Colour Note
File Maker Pro – and get templates that do specific things for you, i.e., job hunt followup check lists, etc
Fit bit
G.T.D – Remember to use someday maybe lists. Not a program but a time management method by David Allen. Many to do list programs are based on this method.
Gamification What you do to programs to make them more interesting and challenging.
Gant Charts
Get Flow Project/task management system
Goal Tracker
Grid Diary
Internet Addiction wake up devices.
Mile bug Milage
Mind Maps
Mint Finance
MS Access
Office time time tracking
One Note
One Password
Overdrive app – works with library
Productivity Challenge – Pomodoro Technique
Remember the Milk
Rescue Time – tracks and blocks
Sleep Monitor: Sleep as Android
Have your own Reality Filters: Pick your own
Does this align with my strengths and values
Do I NEED to do this, this week – this day?
What is important to me? Working with people that take care of me.
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