Stress Management For ADHD Adults
Topic: Stress Management for ADHD Adults. See the other Adult ADHD Issues.
Facilitator: Pete Quily
Thanks to Josh for taking the notes
January 3rd 2012 Meeting Notes for the Vancouver Adult ADD Support Group
Book: “Taming Your Gremlin“
Stress Is Like Gasoline On ADHD Symptoms. And many Adults with ADHD are chronically stressed. Learn to accept your ADHD and learn how to manage ADHD better and it will reduce your stress considerably.
Quick note about meeting: Most of the answers to questions were given by the group, so certainly not a definitive list, was just a discussion.
Warm Up: What things do you do on a daily basis to reduce you general level of stress?
Effects of Stress on ADHD:
Decreased focus
Going blank
Guilt and shame
Lashing out
Memory problems
Same mistakes over
Self pity
Map out your stressors and how the stress cycle works for you.
1. View point
2. Daily practice
3. In the moment
Positive Aspects to Stress:
Can plan in advance for many things
Get stuff done/fuel
Helps you make decisions
Initiate thinking/activity
Makes you stronger
See the big picture (great in crisis)
Take action
Daily Practice to Reduce Stress Levels:
Acceptance: “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional”
ADHD medication (properly used)
Ask yourself often what you did well
Be grateful of what you have
Creative outlet
Differentiating between needs and wants (this will help your focus your planning and use of time)
Extrovert/introvert food (know if you are an extrovert or introvert and do things that feed your energy needs)
Good conversation
Planning a realistic to-do list (the day before)
Reduce the stress not numb it
Respect your energy levels
Yoga and meditation
How can I actually do them:
Be specific
Get curious
Regular breaks
Water and oxygen
Questions asked at end of session on your individualized plan to reduce needless stress in your life:
What will you do?
When will you do it?
How will you remember to do it?
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